Front-End Developer
Good debugging strategies start well before issues come up. From simple typos to a long list of console errors, you have to deal with a range of bugs...
Learning your first programming language or adding a new language to your tech toolbox might feel daunting. Each programming language has specific...
Git is a version control tool that any developer would benefit from learning. Using git allows you to save your code as you make changes, and you can...
When I decided to start a developer blog last year, it took me months before I actually published my first post. It really didn't need to be this way....
While listening to an audiobook called The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right by Atul Gawande, I thought about how checklists might be just...
Imposter Syndrome is what happens when you feel inadequate as a developer. Despite all the skills and experience you have, this feeling still creeps...